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bottle boy

so i read this article that one should introduce the sippy cup around 9 months. so i did. which nathaniel promptly tossed to the floor.

so i tried again at 10 months and again it went on the floor.

so then i had a brain fart. why not get nathaniel to give himself the bottle. ha. he will not hold the bottle. he instead looks up at me, smiles, closes his eyes and waits for me to hold it for him.

ok, i admit. i like it. he's not a cuddly baby so this is my chance to get some snuggles in. i know, i know he needs to learn this skill.

so imagine my delight when i walked around the corner last week and saw nathaniel drinking from his bottle, all by himself. i was pleased. and sad. he's growing up so fast.

note- he has not held the bottle since