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YUM box!

we got our new yum box! AND YUM it was! it was from columbia and we are ALL of it! NO complaints! it was SOOO good!
give us MORE!
jessy joined us too!
thurs was ZOO camp! the highlight of the week! the girls LOVE zoo camp and the teacher is the boom!  off they go!
and again!
because all too soon you will be gone for good!  they have 3 more lessons left!
a friend of mine dropped off a book for me.  ive been reading and highlighting it.....
yep, thats me.  im home educating from k to college.
the book!  so GREAT!

 im trying to find the balance for school/life and me...its hard for sure....but im even more determined to home educate to the end...!


the lumber mill!

haha someone is PROUD of his lumber mill!
last sat night we had a late night bon fire.  the girls stayed up too late...but it was fun
monday we had to pack up from the cabin and head to the city.  joey took these pics....i wonder what they were talking about?
love it!
monday found us at a new park. joey!
and i FINALLY started this bad boy!  i bought it in hali in july, and i knew it would be a GREAT read.  and it is!!!!!  im not finished it yet, i have one more book to go (there are 4)  but this book has caused me to wander down SO many "google' rabbit holes. im adding it to my family collection.  all my kids must read it! 
and i woke up to this.....i see a mess. but the girls? its a house a hill, a loft, a road, a fort and so much i look forward and ignore....and let them play! ha!



nate's pics!

nate took my phone at the cabin....i found these.....
how did he get to big?

my nate!

and my joey!

more nate

i took the kids to the cabin on thurs.  we did a school on fri (i promise to do a blog on school soon!) and fri after lunch out friends arrived for an afternoon of fun.  i invited my homies 7 showed up with their kids (15 kids) and we spent the afternoon at base camp, fire, coffee, the kids went to the river. us moms enjoyed nature and coffee...

ellie came back with a toad she caught! it was actually quite big!

sis pic, with Amanda in the distance

after everyone left, i had ellie set toady free. ha

sat morning i told chris he had to take me out.  we went to the home stead in riverview.  i had a fresh baked cinnamon roll, chris ate breaky.  we sat and talked for almost 2 hrs....then we went back to the cabin...and i read....but i was interrupted for this! 
a play! aFREE play! im IN!
this was joey's guests...hahaha
tere was 3 plays put on by these 2 cuties
the horse

insert giggle, giggle, laugh, laugh....
more giggles and laughter!
and on to play 2 and 3....more laughter and giggles....i loved it all! 

what will happen this week???? stay tuned! hahahaha!


back to school! pt 1

last sat night, i booked the evening off to spend it with was wonderful. haha  those who know me well, know that i adore bradly cooper....but this movie was a bit dark...but on a plus note i cant stop singing "ill nevr break your heart...." ha

sunday's plan when i left the house was visiting this new park and then bike riding along the river with the girls....but i got a text from jessy's dad and well, that turned into a park play date with the kids....and 2 hrs later we met chris, nate and his friend ejune at the cabin...

we fed the critters
and laughed
and went to the river that i now call the "trickle"
see! such a HOT and DRY summer!
and we found this new seeing a cool fort that begs to to built here...
we went back to the cabin for snacks and all that kid energy?  we had them plank for us....jessy won at 5 mins! great job jessy!
joey watched!