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nate's pics!

nate took my phone at the cabin....i found these.....
how did he get to big?

my nate!

and my joey!

more nate

i took the kids to the cabin on thurs.  we did a school on fri (i promise to do a blog on school soon!) and fri after lunch out friends arrived for an afternoon of fun.  i invited my homies 7 showed up with their kids (15 kids) and we spent the afternoon at base camp, fire, coffee, the kids went to the river. us moms enjoyed nature and coffee...

ellie came back with a toad she caught! it was actually quite big!

sis pic, with Amanda in the distance

after everyone left, i had ellie set toady free. ha

sat morning i told chris he had to take me out.  we went to the home stead in riverview.  i had a fresh baked cinnamon roll, chris ate breaky.  we sat and talked for almost 2 hrs....then we went back to the cabin...and i read....but i was interrupted for this! 
a play! aFREE play! im IN!
this was joey's guests...hahaha
tere was 3 plays put on by these 2 cuties
the horse

insert giggle, giggle, laugh, laugh....
more giggles and laughter!
and on to play 2 and 3....more laughter and giggles....i loved it all! 

what will happen this week???? stay tuned! hahahaha!