i can't post older pic's today. some reason the file won't open for me. and i can't post new pic's bec i can't seem to find the camera!
monday- we moved out of 1069 royal rd. we packed our cars to the rim and moved into jon and jess's place. btw- love what you've done to the place jess. it's doesn't scream batch pad anymore!
tues- went back last night to do the final clean and good bye. i actually cried when it was time to pull out. i could not figure out why i was crying. then the thought hit me. why am i trying to figure it out? normally, i would just cry and forget about it. but last night, i pondered about it. after much soul searching, i finally came to the real reason as to why i was so upset.
i do not do well with the unknown. i have a hard time trusting when i can't see the future. how much have i changed? i actually try to figure out why i feel the way i do. or if i feel 'off' i try and figure out why...
so then i came up with a plan. which lead to another deep thought. where does one draw the line from "thinking" to "worry". i think each person must come to their own conclusion. i am trying to figure mine out.
so, i am pleased to say that with everything that has happened over the last week. the stress, fear, anxiousness, confusion, doubt and again fear. i have only lost it 2 times! which is awesome. you should see how i am living. boxes everywhere.
so, instead of dreading and not liking the season i am in right now. i am going to learn lessons and grow and (try) to keep a good attitude.
today chris and i are meeting with our lawyer to sign the papers. tomorrow the new owners move in.
and with that i must go. nap time is almost over. ahhh wonderful nap time.....
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8:57 AM