we are settling down from probably one of the most intense weeks of our married life.
we are packed. the truck pulled out thursday. fri was the first day of the camp. chris left the house at 7 a.m to get ready for it. i stayed at home with nate until 11. i was at the camp for a few hours and when nathaniel had had enough heat,i took him home. i heard the camp was a success. it's weird to not see what you planned. for this season i guess.
chris got home yesterday afternoon. he took a quick shower and we went out for a quick supper. then he spent the night working on more JUMP stuff. he then worked on a video until 2:30 this morning. its hard to see him work so hard. he's so tired.
today, we are going to church, home to pack some more. then back to town for a meeting. we are not sure when we will move out of this place and into my brother's for 6 weeks. blah. suitcase living sucks. my sis-in-law did it for 2 months. i am not looking forward to it. i don't like the unknown.
on a side note. i am sad to leave the country. it's so beautiful here. i am so happy that i was able to spend the summer here. i often get asked if i get bored living out here. no, not really. if i do, i slap on my sneeks and go for a walk. hearing nothing but the odd car, birds singing and the wind blowing through the trees. i love it.
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