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side view of the house

moi looking at the new place, but if you peek close you can see nate in the car watching. can we say cute? the car is parked in the garage to be. yes, it's smaller than what we are use to. i already banged my door on the concrete. boo.

basement plumbing. we plan on finishing the basement with a full bath.
so. here we are. we are now unpacked in jon's old place. our new home for a few weeks. let's all pray for nice weather. we need to pour the concrete for the garage and it needs to dry.
nathaniel goes for his year shots today. i am keeping my family dr in memramcook. i quite like him and he's great with kids and he does all needles in his office so i don't have to go to a clinic. i don't mind the drive out there. chris is coming with us. to hold my hand (i cry harder than natey)
i went out this morning to get some milk. how strange. to walk to a store before 8 and get milk. all the little kids were outside waiting for the bus. some were crying, some laughing some telling their mom's to go away. i can't believe the summer is over!