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getting dug out

finally the digger thingy arrived to chip away the 3' wall of ice that formed in front of our street
the digger thing would chip the ice and the scooper thing would take it away.

wheee such fun nathaniel and i had running from window to window watching, waving, making brrr, grrrr, varoom noises (that would be nathaniel making the noises not me)

it took over 2 hrs for them to get us out. i was trapped in the house for 2 whole, long days! our street is not paved so now it's full of pot holes, ice and red mud. i see the red mud and get island flash backs.
as soon as we were dug out, i threw nate in the car and went to get FOOD. i was living on frozen crap. i could not wait to get lettuce, carrots, apples...anything fresh. i made a mean salad last night for snack. yum.