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easter a day late

because we arrived late sat night, i wasn't able to give nathaniel a 'proper' easter.....what ever that is...ha. instead, chris and i (ok, chris) put together nathaniel's easter gift (ok, true be told- i bought it last yr and hid it away to give him at a later date and well easter just happen to be the next occasion) i bought him this (much to my dad's horror and dismay- a KITCHEN for a BOY? BLASPHEMY)
nathaniel had to bringing toys over and placing them on the kitchen as chris put it together....then climbing on it....and over it.....

chris gave nate the final screws to screw in. nathaniel actually stood there and put all 4 screws in the holes and turned them. that child is not like me at all. he totally takes after chris in the focus and task department....unlike me....who can't focus on anything for longer than a minute....what was i saying?....

i love my boys. i also love the play kitchen. nathaniel played with it long enough for me to clean the front living room.
did ya all know that drywall dust is nasty to clean?? it sticks to everything and it leaves the floor streaky after 3 mop jobs. grrrr....