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weekend stuff

sat afternoon quinn stopped by to share his love
after a few round of punches and throwing toys at each other, the boys kissed and made up. ha
best could they not be, they follow in their mother's foot steps
watching the dads outside doing man stuff
sun night, muetti and naters spent some time bonding
after i made a once a year supper of artery, clogging, heart pumping in a bad way meal, chris made a dessert to finish it off. no, i did not have any. way to much sugar, butter and cream for this lady!
*nate just had ice cream
muetti and vati enjoying their treat!
it's monday and raining. instead of complaining and feeling grumpy (i wanted to go to a park) i put on a pot of water and tossed in a cini stick. (i had no clue that this simple arrangement could fill my house with such a delightful smell!) lit some candles and have started to clean up the house. c's parents left am and i am getting back into our routine of life and fun!
have a wonderful day ever one