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"trials come because we live in a broken world, but we decided if we will learn the lessons taught"

my lowest moment when i lost ben. waiting for the first round of induction. my eyes were red from the tears. i look scared, because i was. scared. sad. and in deep sorrow
"real trials in life are not ifs-they are whens. in fact, life's most profound lessons cannot simply be observed, they must be experienced. it is there, in actual seasons of heartache and loss, that we gain insights into life, faith, and our need of god."
remembering the awe i felt with nathaniel. (nate's first night home, 7 days old)
beyond grateful for what i have. (nathaniel 3 months)

"you will face all kinds of trouble and when you do think of it with pure joy. your faith will be put to the test. when that happens it will produce the strength to continue. the strength will allow you to continue. then you shall be everything you need to be. you shall have everything you need." james 1:2-4

*tgif everyone. tgif!