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christmas concertness

he wanted to kiss my hand. my little man

the best pic i could take of him. it's his "surprise" face. all dulled up in his christmas concert finery. this yr, i opt not to go traditional red, black or white. i went blue!

my little group. the 2-3's. we did the chubby little snowman. they did such a great job, i was so proud of them!

then it was nate's turn. this is the only pic chris got. please note that nate was sitting down. for the whole thing! when i asked him why he was sitting he said "because daddy took a pic of me and i didn't want him too" so yeah....i was impressed but he did his lines perfectly and loudly so i forgave him

i wanted vito's for lunch. chris wanted jungle jim's. after discovering vito's was CLOSED this afternoon?what???why???so silly, we went to jungle jim's. which i will add my food was really good. like i would go back and get it again good!

that's our sunday. how was yours?