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32 weeks!

ignore the hair. just came in from outside where a mini wind storm
there's the belly. i am up another pound. yeah for steady and smooth weight gain!  i had my 32 wk appointy last week and all is well. i will book the section next week, starting next week i have to have some extra tests done :(  time wasters. ha.  i need to have a stress test, fetal movement and blood work from now to the end.  i am also being watched for the pre-clampsia seeing as the symptoms have already started, water weight gain, swelling, black dots in the eyes and horrid rib pain i would not put on my worst enemy!

all in all everything is well!  can't wait to meet little miss e!  6 more wks to go!

(that is a shadow on my pants!)


Shaun and Holly said...

I will be praying!
xoxo Holly