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p.d day!

yesterday i spent my day in st. john at the henb (home educators of new brunswick) professional development day
know how pubic schools have teacher p.d days? we we do too!
what a treat
we were spoiled with amazing nonstop food!  wonderful vendors who were so helpful, educational and enjoyable speakers, i learnt so much!  it was a lot of information, my head was spinning when i got home...but the best was hanging with theses two...
and i would say NO kids but i missed my baby SO much!  i got home, gave chris a hug, then talked to nate, but i was itching to pick up ellie!  rocked that girl to sleep i did! ha
the room was packed by non stereotypical home schooling moms. sigh.  time will help turn that around

basically we spent the day learning how to be better mom's/home educators.  a lot of time was focused on high school and getting your kids ready for university, how to prepare transcripts, record keep and skills that we need to teach our kids to survive in the 21st century

the biggest points i got from the day was these

-how to plan and split my days.  1/3 school, 1/3 housework/ 1/3 extra (which includes planning school!)
-what do i really want my kids to know before they leave?  18 yrs is a short time
-what is god's plan for my kids? not mine....!
-what are the main areas i want to focus on...for me they are

1. love of learning
2. independent learners!
3. character building
4. don't waste time!  when it's school, it's school!
5. no regrets!

the other area i looked at was the future, to start answering the hard questions, think about the yrs coming
how long will we do this?  as of now, right to the end
as nate gets older focus on the core's (math, english, history, science) then work on an average of 7-8 credits

then there was the seminar on 21st century skills and how to prepare your kids for the world.  which is applic to every kids, not just home educators. 

wow. i have pages of notes. but i was able to see how i can integrating education in all areas of life, to put the book down and have a teachable moment

to point sum it's this

1. life and career skills
-teaching flexibility and adaptability
-incentive and self direction
-social and cultural interactions (this is NOT socialization) but the broader picture of seeing outside your world and having the skills to interact with those who don't look, think, act like you (knowing how to respond in a social setting, when it's appropriate to speak or not....and even what to say)
- productivity and accountability
- leadership and responsibility

2. learning innovative skills

-critical thinking and problem solving
- communication, learning how to speak, understand
-creative innovation

3. media
-don't shelter and kid your kids from media/computers instead get them on it! spread sheets, excel, blogs is the future

4. oral and written skills (how to write an essay!)
team work and collaboration
work ethic
acquiring new knowledge and developing new information was a lot of information and note how little is focused on home school? but more of the responsibility not only as a parent to raise your kids but to educate them as well, and at the same time prepare them to enter the real world/work force. it's our responsibility and what an overwhelming job it is

i came home yesterday with my new books, curric, programs and i know i will spend most of my wkend planning, reading and learning the new programs to educate nate this year.  on top of this i will also keep the house somewhat clean, laundry, cook, run errands, kiss boo boo's, talk problems out with chris (he's building in the shop), answer emails, phone, volunteer at the church, blog, vacuum, mop, bath, feed and put the kids to bed.  yes, my days are full and i never seem to get it done.  BUT

it's all worth it

wanna know why?  yesterday, after being away for 8 hrs (a typical work day) after i put the kids to bed, i came into find chris in bed.  i asked him if he was ok and he said

"i am so tired. i spend a few hours with nate trying to teach him time.  it was so exhausting to teach him.  how do you do this everyday?"

i said "yeah, throw some laundry, house cleaning, meal cooking, baths, bed etc....into that THEN tell me you are tired"

hee hee

*chris is NOT lazy. not at all.  he spends a lot of time working in the shop (building for us) he does the car repairs/maintenance and takes care of our finances as well as the huge job he does at the church. 


Loana said...

I made your blog!!! LOL
It was a fabulous day!!!
Loved that we were all there together!!
I learned so much!!!

wk-eigenheer said...

irviseriMy head spinns already only from reading your blog Melanie!I wish you wisdom to filter out of this many infos what is for you , Nathaniel and your family life. Bless you! Muetti