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its been a week!

 before i go on complaining. ha. here are a few pics to enjoy.  nate loves to leave selfies on my phone

i secretly love it but i always scold him for touching my phone!

the other day ellie woke up ubber early from her nap, which interrupted school time. i nate and i continued at the table, working away and when i looked over we saw this....
 silly girl!
 this morning, while collecting garbage, making beds and changing sheets i asked nate to play with ellie till i got back. i came back to this...
 nate made a ship for them to play on.  kept them busy for the 20 mins i was gone

i  have had a busy week. unfortch i have nothing to show for it.  i am trying to play catch up from my lacking chores over the last few months.  i have ben running laundry, cleaning bathrooms, bed rooms, wiping walls, floors, stairs and doors and well anything that 4 little hands LOVE to touch. haha

i just find i can just keep up, not stay ahead, just maintain the "lived in" look my house requires now. AND have friends over to see it.  sigh.  my standards have lowered a lot. yesterday i was on my knees scrubbing out the bathtub when ellie walked in, taped my leg and saud "hi ya, mama. hi!"  i was like "this blows. i dont wanna scrub a tub. i wanna play with my kids"  so i quickly finished the job and joined the kids in nates, trashed room!

after school today we were cleaning up the school stuff, cleaning the table off and i walked into the living room to find this
 sob sob sob i can;t keep up! hahaha welcome to my lived in house!

ok. v-day. i loath and do not celebrate v-day or other hallmark holidays!  this yr i decided to do something, that didn't cost a cent! for nate

i came up with this.  i wrote a note "why i love nate" and each day i wrote out a reason why i love him.  he really loves this.  i write silly and serious reasons why i think he's the best kid.  maybe i should have done one for ellie? haha
 ellie LOVES the playroom. nate never uses it. she on the other hand LOVES it.  and she loves the slide!  i love sending them up to play while i have a minute to blog. haha

this is my life. one pile of a mess after another!

BUT i am thankful and content. god has blessed me and i will thank him, even in the mist of the messes, cereal and toast for supper....cough......cough......


Loana said...

Song for a Fifth Child

by Ruth Hulburt Hamilton
Mother, oh Mother, come shake out your cloth,
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing and butter the bread,
Sew on a button and make up a bed.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I’ve grown shiftless as Little Boy Blue
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
(Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo).
The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stew
And out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo
But I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo.
Look! Aren’t her eyes the most wonderful hue?
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).

The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
For children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.

mel said...

lo! that was perfect! where did you find it? i love it and i rather rock my babies and love my kids than scrub a floor anyday....hahaha!