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 daddy and ellie painting. so cute. she is such a daddy's girl!
i spent sometime with this kidlet today.  we were running errands, and i bought us a snack.  i gotta brag this kid up a bit!  he was with me for over 2 hours and did not complain ONCE!  not only that, he said thank you for everything he got and didnt ask for anything!  and we were able to chat about the things that are important to him.  i love him

on the other hand....little miss ellie pants is in to EVERYTHING! she decided to wash my bathroom and bedroom floors with the toilet brush and toilet water!!!!!! anyone who knows me, knows that i have an issue with toilets and germs....sob sob.....i washed ellie up in the tub and chris washed my floors.  i love her but man, she is quick! 

happy sunday everyone!