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 then there was 3 bikes...chris got ellie's new bike in working order!  now to teach her to ride baby!

nate and i took a late night walk to the mail box, he's a great walking partner, he talked the whole way there and back. haha
 i take a shower and find this going on in my bed!
 working on the bike
 my little bundled joey, she loves to be outside
 i took the kids to the library and chris joined as a surprise
 when jo realized it was dada!
 making caterpillars. by the end of the afternoon ellie had ordered all the boys to work with her and make a circus.  shes a total bossy boss!
 i came to bed and found this
for real. sigh
 my birthday present arrived!  thanks chris! i got luggage! wheeeeee
 3 piece set and the kids had a blast playing and rolling it everywhere
its the simple, silly things that they love