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this and that

 see anything new, and im NOT talking about my AWESOME grey hair.  i finally caved, and dug out the hearing aid last week.  ive noticed im struggling to hear conversations with a lot of back ground noise.  so i now wear it out of the house.  esp for coffee dates and such.  im slowly getting use to hearing again.  i find its neat to wear it out and i can hear conversations as i pass by people.  i can have someone sit on my left and HEAR them.  i can order in the drive throu and hear the girl taking my order...but i dont wear it around the kids.  they are loud enough! ha

this is how you chill
 silly girls!
 chris is still off work with shingles. i think today is the last day.  yesterday morning, i found these two at the table. doing math together
 love it