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 we were delayed by a day (freezing rain) but we left on mon for a quick hali trip.  i picked the kids up at the bus stop on monday and tues papa and nana came with us for an after school snack
 ohhhh whatcha got papa?
group shot!
 we also hit up the ducks and the park but i was too cold so i went and sat in the warm van. ha
 then they played hair dresser
 for puppies!  hahaha
 little joey
it was nice to break the week up by sneaking a trip in.  but now im back to house work and school. ha.  chris gave me the BEST valentine gift EVER yesterday. he mopped my floors!  thanks babe!  i love you too!

and with that, i must go.  we have a play date going on right now, and the kids have been upstairs for about 20 mins alone....and are being VERY quiet. this NEVER ends well....ha.  off to investigate.

happy Thursday!


Ursi said...

Are you gonna tell us what you found upstairs???

mel said...

they were quietly playing puppy doctor and paw mess, no unlike nate at that age. hahaha