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 monday morning we were up and in the car at 8:15.  my friend is out of town so i picked her kids up for zoo camp and to spend the day with us.  joey and i had the morning to just us. so. much. fun!!!  my mini me!

we had to wait for costco to open.  we spent 20 mins sitting in the grass, me drinking coffee.  joey talking and LOVING the one on one time.  im so thankful for this little girl. i cant imagine my life with out her
 we tried on eye glasses. she doesnt need them but she had a hoot trying them all on
 we had an HOUR to kill before zoo camp pick up, so i found this "rocket ship" as joey called it and i pushed her for an HOUR in it.  we went everywhere and she had so much fun
 we did buy flowers. haha
 "everything is awesome when your name is johana!"  nate made that song up for her.  i also got her a pair on sunglasses for herself.
 we went to the new board walk. its so nice, i decided that chris and i need to hire a sitter and go there on a date
 fun in the sun
 every table had fresh, real flowers. what a change in this place. its really nice!
 joey sneaked  in for some iguana touching. sisters. love it
 shes getting so big
 ellie's turn
 then we hit up the park for a snack
 and play
 and swing
the kids played till around 4 when micah asked to go home. she missed nate. ha