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sat work day

 fri chris got the rafter/tresses up by himself. i stayed home to get house work done man, it was a busy day.  the annual loonie sale at sally ann for kids clothing was on so i packed all 3 kids up and we hit up both stores, i got 90% of nates clothes for this summer and next winter for 25!  score! after a quick walmart run we got home in time for lunch...i spent the afternoon weeding my gardens.  man alive, it was crazy how long it took.  i finished up in time to make supper and spend an hr going through the girls clothes and pulling out their summer stuff. by the time i put nate to bed i had literally 10 mins before chris came home!  haha.  oh well! it was a good day for getting things done!

sat was spent putting the sheathing up on the roof.  chris's AMAZING coworker came out to help! thank god for this blessing!
 joey had a blast playing in her corner, talking the guys ears off the whole time! 
 and i found a pet snake for the kids to enjoy
 they built him his habitat and named him "john lindsey" and the snake even molted in the afternoon!  it was the neatest thing to watch! i had ellie release him after out lupper
 working away
 playing away
 i have no idea why the pics uploaded like this. but what ever....
 my little cuties
 last night we found them like this
 haha LOVE them
 i think they need a bigger bed...
back to the cabin