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 a few weeks back, chris asked if he could sign up for this "yums" program.  basically, for 20.00 a month you get 1 package in the mail with reg size samples of treats from a certain country, along with a full booklet of information and resources. i thought this would be a fun family project and ok'd his request and out first yum box arrived. 

welcome to Thailand! 
 we got all this, a full booklet with on line resources. we all samples and rated our favorites
 this one was surprising my # 2 choice!  my fav was the coconut bars! then this one, and then the mango candy. the pne i thought would be  my fav was a waffle choc bar was surprisingly  disappointing and came in 2nd to last
 we all had fun!
 the captain america arrived... lol
ellie came over with her friend jessie who was dressed up as spider man.  ellie looked at jessie and said "come with me spider-boy" hahahaha
 joey being joey