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cabin cleaning

 i took mom to the cabin tues night, i had to clean it for the weekend, we gave the cabin to ppl we know, so it wasnt a rental but i still wanted it to be came and helped and i was done faster!  i snapped a few pics of the property while the floors dried.

the drive way that chris was working on.  looking good!
 the etra shale and stone to raise the corners for easier driving in the winter and spring
 more driveway
 see the green in the distance?!?!?  thats the new grass!
 more driveway
 the finished grate that chris worked on the last time we were there
 more green grass!
 the front and side painted!!!!!!  next yr we will have to side and paint the porch and back side...and mom working in the doorway. ha
wed mom and dad left. the original plan was to make a trip to the rocks with the home school group, but it was raining and yucky out.  so we canceled and hit up the library for the STEM class. free crafts that i dont have to do?! score for me. ha
 while the kids worked away i read this book. i picked it up thinking the girls could read it, but its more nate age approp. it was EXCELLENT!  the true story of a little girls who died in Auschwitz leaving her brother to tell her story 59 yrs later.  so good!
 wed night we opened our package from chris's cousin in switzerland
 the kids liked what they found. haha
 a box filled with candy and chocolate!  thank you for thinking of us!!!
 and something happened to my son.  he cleaned his room. on his own....and spent the night reading in his clean room! 
 i found joey like this. haha
the kids love the scooter!