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 i found this on the counter yesterday, the girls are getting into the christmas mood.  im looking forward to this yr, the girls are getting excited and are old enough to do some fun looking forward to it!
 this is why i home school!  love how close they are
 last night nate had an official ceremony to attend
 this is my boy!  so proud of him
 i got him to laugh!
 then i heard no more pics mom! hahaha
 today was pony ride day! the kids all got a ride in the pony cart
 so fun!
 here they come
 after the fun it was time to clean the barn. ha
the class went so well we are signing up for another 6 wks

i find myself busy!  being out most nights, home school, church, hosting and leading a small group, chris's projects and life! im finding myself longing for the snow to come to slow down and enjoy a bit more. but i know the activities will slow once the cold gets here, and then we will hit the books more seriously!

school is going well, we are slowly getting into a grove, but to be honest, im thinking nov we will settle down, slow down and get caught up. 

and with that time is UP! i have school to do, a house to clean. we are hosting small group tonight!  must clean!  and supper to start!

i hope to get back into a regular blogging routine soon! 


mom said...

sweet post Melanie. So much to do and having fun.