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 i did 2 other blog posts yesterday and they dodnt post! or save.  grrrr so now ill try to do them again!

last week the girls got into chalking up the driveway, and the side walk and when they ran out od space they hit up our neighbors driveway. 

during school the girls came up with this game they wanted to play.  tim hortons!  joey and i spent an hr making paper tim kept her busy while i was doing ellies lessons. ha.  and off they went.  they were outside for hrs
 working away

 tim hortons and the drive thou!
 wed night chris was working late and nate had youth. so i took the kids to the park for a few hrs.  we brought a bag filled with food for the ducks
 joey brought her stuffy
 the ducks were SO close!  some of them tookk the bread from our hands
 so. many. ducks
 then we saw the "dont feed the ducks" sigh. oops. no more feeding these ducks!
 it started to get dark so we headed to the play park (there were lights there) but it was such a beautiful night
 and so pretty

 and this is why she is so skinny!  always jumping and running!
then we dropped big brother off at youth and heads home!