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i know, i know. this blog is VERY over due!  im sorry!  ive been really busy!  but heres to a rainy afternoon to catch up on this blog.

meeka is 11 wks old and is the by far the best puppy ive had.  ive decided that zac george is my bff and spend hours watching his training videos.  she is slowly coming along and this blog post is all about her!  

she loves this wicker table so lounge on.  she does NOT enjoy the heat at all!  she loves the rain! and thunder doesnt upset her.  she loves to eat, sleep and poop.  just like a baby!

and my plants out front. i am forever pulling her out of them! 
meeka at 10 wks
those eyes!

c doing his best to warm up to her
this is the life!
she likes to walk when its not too hot
miss meeka!

she has 2 spots in the house. one is under this table, which she will out grow soon and the other is under the chair in the corner 

she finds shade where ever she goes 
and sleeps

first bath!  she did good! the girls jumped in to help!   the second bath i did on my own 
her other spot 
ahhhh the life 
i couldnt believe how much her paws grew over night! look at those bad boys!

meeka at 11 wks 

sigh. potty training.  shes doing good, but we have a ways to go...i keep her with me or when im moving around i tie her to my waist.  ha!