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meeka's big day

back in march. meeka had her big day!  i took her into the vet for 8 and she was done at 4.  it was quite the ordeal, her recovery was long....and painful. i totally understood how she felt, been there!  it was so weird not having her around for the day. i must have called her 2/3 times or went looking for her. that just shows you how special pets can be!

we started this book, but only made it 4 chapters to switch to the secret garden. which the girls LOVED! we will go back to this one another day

i was feeling sad and bummed out, chris went to run errands and came home with this.  my favorite things!  apples with pb!  a fresh homemade cinna bun and flowers!
thanks babe! i love you and love doing life with you at my side.  
then it was time to pick meeka up.  she was still groggly and had to wear the torture device.  she didnt like it at all and as the night went on her crying got louder and more intense. i finally took the cone off and made her a covering out of chris's old work shirt. with in 5 mins she was sleeping and settled.  i went to the vet the next morning to buy her the recovery wrap. worth. every. penny. she ended up wearing it for a month...and has healed perfectly!  
she was fixed and i had them repair the hernia on her belly as well as removing her dewclaw. with her being in the woods a lot i was concerned that she would rip it off creating a bigger vet bill.  i threw up in my mouth when i got her bill.  i told the girls one of them has to be a vet and an orthodontist. haha 
poor baby was in a lot of pain
stupid torture cone 
sad puppy 

with in 5 mins of removing it she was sleeping with her mommy. ha
the next morning!  
lots of snuggles and hugs 

i totally understand your pain my girl!  

 its been over a month and she's almost back to normal.  there was some puffy/swelling on her incision but after some cream and rest she's all better.  she's free to run and play in the woods again and go to the dog park and run wild! haha