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steven and chris

as of the late, my tele-ala-dreadmill has changed from the reg programs (repeats, march madness and such foolishness) i discovered a canadian *gasp* show that i adore! normally, i would never watch canadian t.v much less 2 dude designers...normally that would be boring and would cause the time to pass by evah so much slowerrrr as it does when sweat is involved. anyho. here is the linkyloo to my new fav tv show! steven and chris!



Unknown said...

We get this show here!! It's on BBC.

mel said...

it's a great show. they had this tile gal on yesterday. now i want to retile my hallway :) (i LOVE your tile)

then they had this mom on who made 3 meals...i copied (but changed the ingred's to what i like) them all. chris loved them. i am impressed with the show...tomorrow is a "DIY" changes to be made to the house i thinks...:)