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green and white tears

Green and White Tears

As the rain tears down over the calm morning skies

All seemed fine high up the heavens

Wrought Iron gates open on this unusually sunny day

As a whirlwind of innocence was welcomed un-expectantly

Before there where questions without answers

As now there are Dreams and Pain in plentiful prayers

And tears so deep that they leave you breathless

And yet those questions are still unanswered

Because long before those Green and White tears

Questions did not have answers

And those answers did not have Faith

For it is Faith that made the weak strong

Strong even as you have no strength in your legs

As you collapse on floor in Green and White tears

A tree with no roots can be lifted

But as Ben is still around us all our roots are growing strong

Life outside our senses exists as Ben grows into a Man

Waiting ever so patiently to say “Mom, Dad! I love you”

“Mom, Dad, keep the faith” “Mom, Dad, I still need you”

Need you to be strong in faith, need you to be strong in love

Need you to be strong in life for one day we shall meet.

Mom, Dad, I can still see you, even when you can’t see me

Mom, Dad, rejoice for now, because if you ever knew…

Ever knew what I see now, ever knew and wondered how

Ever knew for what is to come as Faith ties our roots together

Patience is a painful thing to learn when seconds feels like days

Time moves at standstill when your lives suddenly come to a halt

Life exists outside your house when at times it’s all you see

The mourning walls will become clearer through time

As the memories fade to dreams made possible through faith

Faith is the cornerstone of blessing and the longer you wait

The bigger the impact of your reunion will be

So as this leave fell off that tree it dripped a Green and White tear

And one day that leaf will hit the ground but it will be gently caught

In a Green and White Tear.

Love you all,
Jon Carroll
April 9, 2010