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it's that time of year again!

the start of the festive season! we got our swiss "santa" bags yesterday! this is my most fav thing about christmas. i start checking the mail on a reg base around dec 1st! is it sad that a grown woman, still wants her bag of nuts. haha. this year we let nate open it
he was thrilled!
i call this gangsta nate
so darn cute! smile some more!
all 3 bags, the letter and the swiss card with the count down
then he opened his bag
and went through it, it was so funny. he would call out each item as it fell into the bowl
"it's an ORANGE!"
"there is an APPLE!"
"there is peanuts! in a SHELL!"
"ohh some nuts"
"oh mommy, look there is CHOCOLATE!"
it was funny
but not so funny this morning...we (that would be chris and i) left the bowl on the table last night. chris took nate down stairs this am before he left for work and gave nate 1 chocolate and told him not to eat anymore. then left for work
but i didn't know that chris left and left the bowl on the table, in front of nate
nate ate all the chocolate minus 2...1/2 the gingerbread boy and a multitude of less than 10 mins...
i was not happy


Ursi said...

We're getting together at Marc's house on Saturday. It's become a tradition to do Samichlaus at Marc' appartment. I love that we can go to him and he can have family to his house. Can't wait for the chocolate and nuts.

Anonymous said...

thank you melanie for your appreciation and the picture. muetti