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3's of 3's

i have been going to church for 33 yrs

growing up paoc i went 2x's on sunday and once midweek

3 services a week x's 52 weeks='s 156 sermons a year

33x's 156 sermons='s 5148 church services

this does NOT include 2 years of bible school
sasky (there was 4-5 services a WEEK)

5000 services is a lot!

they (who are "they really? and what do "they" know??) say that you really only remember 3

so i thought about it and it's true. there are 3 services that i have heard that have stayed with me.

they are

1. youth rally 1990. i was 13? i think? they speaker spoke on how to build a relationship. he used props. they worked because i remembered them

2. christmas eve. pastor ted. 1998. simple, simple, simple. he spoke on "coming home" i so wanted to and one day i did. because jesus is always cool when you want to come home

3. pastor bill. june 2007. changed my whole christian life. he spoke on " the law of adjustment" matter how bad you mess up, if you have (HUGE KEY HERE) a pure heart god will tap you back on track.

pure means

unmixed, unadulterated, unalloyed, uncontaminated, untainted, unstained, undefiled, untarnished, immaculate, unpolluted, uncorrupted. modest, virtuous, undefiled.

so if your heart is above. god will tap you back on track (this is NOT an excuse to knowingly mess up and be forgiven. again. again. again...)

then i thought sure top 3 sermons. what about top 3 principals that i have been taught?

they are

1. bible school dean, p. jerry "stand on guard o' canada" meaning. never allow ANY chance of trickery in your life, your family and your calling. from a chit chat with friend(s) to stealing a candy at bulk barn

2. driven by eternity by john bevere book/work book

more important affabel

life changing. i will NEVER walk this life the same again. think you have problems? your life is hard? life is sucky? bad attitude?

wanna kick in the spiritual butt? listen to affabel

basically it's this


see that tiny dot? that's your life on earth. how you spend your life will affect your eternity. see that line? that's eternity

3. spiritual authority/respect. can i be blunt? can i just come out and say it? the bible is so clear on this but we don't hear much about it really and well not many practice it

it's simple (warning....bluntness)

do not trash talk your pastor(s), your leaders, ANYONE in leadership. just. shut. up

god has smucked many a man who done it. they would tell you that they wish they didn't say anything but they can't. they are dead

sure, you can disagree with your pastor, leader or spiritual authority but there is a proper way to deal. talking to others is NOT the proper way.

do not talk trash about god's chosen people. seriously. shut up

can i give a minor mini vent, just cause i can (it's my blog. haha)

tithe. once you give it, it's gone. you have no. zero. nadda. zip. elioa say in how it is spent. sorry. you don't. you don't have any "right" to gossip about how it's spent, that you pay the pastors, how much was spent on heating, who works at the church, how much was spent on a gift/flowers, how it was wasted on the chairs, flooring, roof, tiles, payment, how you don't like how money is spent or you just don't agree

take comfort in this. you will not be held accountable one day in front of god on how it was spent!

oh and if you missed it tithe is 10%. not 4.

(wow i am on a roll today)

*this does not apply with offerings

so then what are my top 3 verses?

(hoping you are still reading and like me somewhat???)

1.- gen 30:22 "then god remembered rachel" life changing lesson. god remembered her and he also remembered me!

2- ps 139 "thank you for making me so wonderfully complex" and chris thanks you too, esp the wonderfully complete part. haha

3- isiah 40:8 "the grass withers and the flowers fade but the word of the lord stand for ever" funny it's the first verse i ever memorised. at means to me that nothing matters but god

so there you go

3 sermons

3 lessons

3 verses

what are your 3's?


Shannon said...

Amazingly, tithing is the principal that come most easily and naturally to me. The others . . . not so much. The Just-Shut-Up is evidently exactly what I needed to hear today… duly noted. Thank you for your honesty in your posts.