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nate and the loonie

my son has been expressing his twerpy side as of the late. challenging me, being a 4 yr old and a general handful. we both have sinus/head colds that don't seem to be getting better and that would add more &%$%&^*^ hahaha too it

but yesterday. yesterday. in the midst of his redic, annoying, bothersome and over all acting up while out and about he finds a loonie

then he puts it in his pocket for later

later on we have a discussion on how he wants to spend it

we pass a toy machine that you put a loonie in and try to pick up a prize, which like never works. he really wanted to do this. so i told him that he will lose his money and have nothing to show for it. he agrees

then we pass a candy machine. i tell him that he can buy 1 candy, eat it and it's over. nate passed on it

then we pass a toy machine, like the candy but it's full of junky toys. i explain, he passes

then i told him that he can go to the dollar store and he can buy 1 item. anything. this got him all excited as he recounted the amazing selection of toys, candy and tools

i also tell him that he can go to mcdee's and get a burger, or french fries or an ice cream

this too got his attention

nate spent the remainder of the trip thinking, talking and planning on what to do with his treasured dollar

getting into the van he says "MOM! i know what to do with it"

i asked what?

he pulled the dollar out of his pocket and said "i will save this for church and give it to julio. he can buy food and shoes and something to drink or a toy or something like that"

julio (sounds like hulio) is this kid that the super kid academy sponsor and for months i thought nate made him up, he was always talking about this julio kid. finally i asked around and found out that he is in deed real and they save money for him

seriously. my heart. in the midst of his behaviour i see the light

is this how we look at time to the big g?


Ursi said...

That is so awesome! Tell Nate that Auntie Ursi is very proud of him!

mary Carroll said...


I am so pleased, proud and shocked by this loonie that a child 4 years old would think about this so hard and give his money to someone else that may need it more. God bless you Nate. Nanna loves you.

Crystal said...

Yeah Nate! That is so awesome!
I remember the boys talking about their "friend" Julio... I thought he was pretend.

Anonymous said...

thats so awesome....proud of ya buddy!

and yes i aggree with your analogy mel...what a great way to think about it :)

xo Misty

mel said...

update. yesterday n changed his mind and was going to "keep the money" i said fine and ket it go

today he put 1.30 in the box so julio can buy some things "like a drink or a toy or something like that"
