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ha ha! so true!

so sad
so true
what have we done? haha

i've been slack on the blog as of the late. just find myself SO tired.  all the time!  and i've stepped up the home school.  nate was getting bored and restless over the last few weeks so i stopped doing anything with him school related but read. he loves to read!  he asked me to teach him how to reach books, so i brought out the school again and he's getting it. he hates writing/printing but loves to count, add numbers and is picking up real fast the basics of reading.  we do a lot of what letter does hat, cat, road, stairs, hand etc.... start with.  he gets 9 out of 10 right. 

we had a home school meeting last week and i got so much from it.  i've taken the approach to what ever happens! happens!  with a baby coming (yes chris, 74ish days left) who knows how it will all work out. i just know this, god created me to be a mom (even on the bad days) and he's given me the ability to teach my children.  i speak for me and my family no one else :)

baby stuff!  she is SO active. i'm scared!  chris is so in love with her. he does the count down, telling me how many days are left until she comes (approx, we don't have a date yet) and has her picture on his desk (awwww) i'm thinking she's gonna give me a run for the title of the lady in his life...ha.  naw, he can love on her as much as he likes!

until tomorrow! have a great day everyone!