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this and that and all that

nate created a crime scene for me with his forensic kit from mad science
except he used my window instead of the book!
cute thou!
i was at home sense awhile back and saw this snazzy sign that said "i am kinda a bug deal around here" for 20. i thought man, i could make that for 2.00!
so i did!
i hung it, i mean chris hung it where i told him too. haha. above her crib because i swear, we are the most pathetic bunch we all go in to wake ellie up, nate, chris and myself and we all stare at her
she really is a big deal around here
i told nate i would make one for him that said "i am the bigger deal around here" he declined the offer
sitting in nate's new school box. all by herself!
i told chris i was going to spent the wkend getting the class room in order and finishing up the 100's of projects i am working on
i was working away on sat morning when my friend called and wanted to see if i could grab a quick coffee with her
quick coffee? why yes!  
3.5 HOURS later i come home
i spent today working in the school room!
new desk lay out! i LOVE this and i really think it's gonna work for us!
nate's independent desk is to the left, i am going to have chris move the bulletin  board (again!) but to be honest nate works 99% of the time beside me at my desk
and finally i found a system that will work!
baskets!  mine is the pink one nate's is the blue one. each morning, nate will grab his basket and bring it to the desk.  in the basket are all of his books/binders and anything else that he needs. no more looking for things or getting up over and over reaching for this and that!  my teacher manuals and lesson plans are in the pink basket. at the end of the day everything goes back in the basket and its ready for the next day!
the pink plastic holder above the blue basket is nate's glue, pencils.pens, scissors etc....again everything is there!  love it!

i got things done this wkend!  yeah for me!
and it's the start of another week!


Loana said...

Way to go Girl!!!!
Love the sign you made for Ellie!!!
School room looks awesome!! Wish I had off put my time to better use yesterday afternoon :/