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 yesterday, was our annual professional development day which is sponsored by henb, our provenience's home school support group. for the first time. ever. it was held in moncton.  my 2 amazing friends, loana and aralee and i put this shin dig on.  it was a big success.  ok, we rocked it out of the ball park. all the planning, stress and head ache was worth it but ill never do another one again.  so come take a peek in what we did....and we did everything from registration, meals, snacks, organize all the speakers, work shops, gift bags, sponsors, door prizes, music, set up, serve, clean, tear down....our selves!  we did have a fab team of 4 teens who helped us with the set up on thurs and serving, clean up yesterday.  i came home utterly exhausted.  ive never felt that tired and drained in my life!!!

so heres a peek at our pd day (or as like to refer to it as pain in my derriere day)  

our take home bags, stuffed with lip balms, candy, chocolate, paper, pen, chalk boards, kleenex, apple butter (yum!) bath salts, gum and more....
 welcome table, compete with folders (hours of time to make those puppies!)
 table set up #1.  we had a simple welcome table, the ladies arrived from 9-10 to register, grab a snack from the breakfast table, sit and relax
 more decore
 over flowing breakfast foods
 2 of our helpers, megan and veronica
 more decore
 work shop # 1 pastor peter who spoke on personality styles, and how to teach your child.  it was awesome!!!
 work shop #2 healthy, quick snacks by mrs virginia
then they headed back to the main area for another work shop by stephanie jackson,  while we tore down the tables and re set them back up for lunch
 lunch was 2 choices, chili and veritable taco soup, all made from scratch by aralee and loana.  we had salads, rolls and home made corn bread as well.  all ladies were served lunch in 10 mins.  SCORE!  loana ROCKED the kitchen.  she is one work machine!

after lunch the ladies headed over for another work shop, while we tore down lunch, cleaned up, washed dishes and set everything back up for dessert
the ladies then headed back over for another work shop while we tore down and started to clean up
more take home gifts. a craft and bath salts. 

there was a few snags but nothing major.  we decided to scrap our activity/craft because we were running behind (the speakers went, well, way over their times)  but we got back on track!

i got home and literally fell on the couch.  i was SO tired 

id say the day was a success!  


Loana said...

It was a perfectly awesome day!!
And I too will never do it again LOL
I was completely exhausted and in a great deal of pain...note to self where shoes with support when you must be on your feet for close to 12 hours!
WE are a great team look forward to our night out when we will get waited on and have chit chat not PD Day related.....LOL
Shout out to ALicia C for her cornbread and pot washing skills
and Noah and Hope L for poping in to give a hand with the desserts
Also PTiffany for printing our revised take home craft instruction and making a much needed coffee run for moi! <3
And my boy...honestly he is the best...showing up to help his Momma with clean up ....and he drove home so I could just be in a vegetative state home
OKAY done
AND THANK YOU MEL AND ARALEE for being such awesome friends xoxoxo

mel said...

dont mind me for not thanking ppl, i was trying to blog with before the kids woke up, i was rushing...and i am sure there are more ppl to thank that we simply forgot about

Loana said...

I am sure we forgot some