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the land and girls

 the giggling, the laughing the fun a blanket and a tile floor can have!  the girls had a lot of fun sliding each other on the blanket...its the simple things that encourage me to smile
 i took the girls to the land last night, normally its a 30 min drive from my driveway to the property but with construction traffic it took me 45 min to get there!  i snapped a few pics
the shed tresses
 the trailer filled with wood, all ready to go
 the columns chris poured last week and the pipe to feed the electrical cords
i went to mostly help chris take measurements to build the foundation to the shed.  it took about 30 mins to get it done, we had a quick supper sitting on the wood and back to cutting up the wood.  there is no electricity out there, we have decided to put it in this fall, until then chris is using a compressor and generator.  i think the plan is to use the shed this fall/early winter to have a place to can warm up in and maybe have a few fires out there
 some of the big trees that are staying. we would like to keep as many as we can, including maples!
 the wood pile is growing!
 and so is the chipper pile
 my little piece of heaven in the midst of the woods.  i was able to sneak out and swing for about 5 whole minutes until the girls found me. joey crawled up and swung with me for about 30 seconds. which is a GREAT long time for joey.  ha
 chris found a frog and ellie caught it!  chris was showing her how to properly handle it
 she carried it with her and wanted to take it home. no way!  after a good 15 mins i told her to put it in the woods and let it go home. ha
 joey only watched. no touching
 then chris and i worked.  it is challenging to get things done with 2 little girls running around
 so much fun!
it took me another 45 mins to get home!  i was so tired. i skipped baths, and just washed the girls up.  it took them another 45 mins to settle felt like a super long day!  chris came home around 9:30 with an ICE CREAM which was the perfect way to end the day!

last night while i was working ellie was standing beside me, i looked down and smiled at her she looked at me and said "mom, you have a beautiful smile. i love you"  it made my night

last night ellie was having a hard time settling down and because i was tired i slipped into bed with her, read her a book and snuggled until chris came home

this morning when she woke up she came to my bed and snuggled she looked at me and said "i had the best night last night. i got to read books with you and snuggle with you"  my heart...