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more joey

 both girls have gotten into puzzles the last while, at home and at the library
 little hands, little nose. i love you joey girl
 so thankful you are my girl
 my heart
 late night reader. so, i suspected that ellie was practicing her reader this week after she went to bed because when we did school reading she knew the story really well for reading it the "first" time...i went to bed last night at 9 and found THIS!
BUSTED!  ellie HAS been reading her school book and thats why she is doing so well in her lessons!  i called daddy up to see her read, bec of the long hrs he's been working he hasnt heard her read yet...
 he was blown away that she is full on reading
 then we had snuggles before bed
 i found joey like this while i was making lunch
 haha silly girl
 my kid crew, i wanted to rush a visit in with chris today but we are running late so i threw the kids in the their JAMMIES at 2 in the AFTERNOON!!! and we went to the park.  nate ran into an old friend and chris and i were able to chat in quiet as the kids play....and can you believe its 1/2 way through the week???? crazy
i am truly hoping to do a school blog soon, im slowly getting into a routine with the kids on school days....but i have so much work to do in the school room.....i just need more time. haha

happy wednesday!