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more christmas

 nate read to us christmas eve the christmas story
 then they opened their chocolates and gifts from nate
i was SO impressed with nate and his gift's this yr.  back in november nate came to me asking what he should do about christmas gifts because he doesnt have any money.  i told him to be create and the BEST gifts dont cost money but maybe time, thought and effort.  he worked on his gifts that he gave out.  each gift had thought and purpose to them.  once he finished he then wrapped them all and wrote a note to tell why he gave the gift.  he drew pictures, wrote stories, gave away his own stuff, and we got creative.  i think we spent 2.00 in total for monetary value.  its not the cost, its the thought!  the girls LOVED their gifts from him....and so did shawn. ha!
 christmas 2017
 i didnt want the kids to go down before us. after we slept in until a respectable 7:30 we went down for christmas morning. nana and papa joined us and we spent the morning opening and enjoying family.  we went small this yr, it was the easiest, most stress free, relaxing christmas.  i think it was my fav christmas so far

 down we went
 joey was so surprised