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nate passed his scooter road test! and is officially allowed to drive on the road!  he did really well on the test. no mistakes or knocked over cones!  im still trying to make him wear a light up vest and blinking helmet. he says no...ha

i went to tuck this one in a few weeks back. i found this.    

look to the right.  there in the box is her stuffy....all tucked in bed. she made it a blanket and FACE mask! 
i love her creativity! 
nighty, night precious! 
meeka is the best puppy ive ever had.  she's almost house trained, its been a few days since an accident...she is crate trained and doesnt pee in it.  she super chill (for a puppy) and is the best napper. im forever finding her all over the floors in the most complete positions! 
joey and meeky 

i went with chris to run an errand, we picked up supplies and this was the front seat for me to sit in 
thanks babe for the space! 
at the cabin, i took meeky to the river. we found lots of tracks including this big boy! a moose! 
meeka LOVED the woods, she ran the whole time, when we got to the river she jumped right in and swam back to us 

the river was big for this time of yr 
cant wait for next summer!  i think she's a water lover!
i took the kids home and they all fell asleep.  look hw meeka is holding ellie's hand
joey was out!
my back seat sleepers!
nate is officially hired at mcdonalds.  he started out with 12 hrs. they give hrs out in order of the best workers to least. the more hours you get. the top of the list you are. nate can only legally work 20 hrs a week.  his first week he worked 12. he's been working 20 ever since. haha.  i knew he would rock it!
chris is trying to get meeka to like him more than me. but! nope! she's my dog. hahaha
joey and heart heart dressed for the day
out running errands with this kid.  actually what happened was last yr nate decided he wanted to be a minimalist and went through his closets, giving away 3 bags of clothes that he "didn't need" fine.  now this yr he's discovered *cough* girls and looking he asked me to take him to get clothes...what?! take nate shopping??? and he ASKED?

i was on it.  we spent the afternoon at the mall. he got some clothes, and food! and i got to spend time with this amazing kid. it was a win win!