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i have been eye ball in books and plans for the last 2 weeks.  this yr ive taken on book and art club for the home school group (on top of what i already do) so ive been planning and prepping.  then i spent a few days getting the girls set up...then ordered nates books. they should be here this wk....ill be back to full school by oct for all the kids. but we are quite busy with activities and driving nate to work! ha 

i found these books at mission thrift for 5.00!  score!  esp the canada our story guide/teacher book.  saved me about 50 bucks!  

and i was SOOOOOO grateful for quinn! he did ALL my prep work!  all i had to do was label and file away!  THANK YOU QUINN! you saved me countless hours of work! 
we did our not back to school picnic. but it rained so last minute we switched to the church.  i snapped these 2 pics before we got SLAMMED with new ppl!  over 60 kids!  it was CRAZY!

the next day we did geobots!  this was SO much fun.  i enjoyed it more than the girls. i coded my own track. ha  now i want one!  joey did one 
ellie too
last fri we went to the pool. i was up early and got there before everyone. it was nice to chill and pretend i was down south. ha 
so peaceful...then everyone showed up! 
pretending this tree was a palm tree
i took the kids to a park for a break and lunch then we hit up the in door park and splash pad for the afternoon 
it was quite big!
then it was time to pick nate up from work and make supper. a full fun friday! 
we did some painting to practice for art club

night time.  joey! 

monday was art club. i had 45 registered and i came prepared.  i lost count at 25 kids but there was more than that. ill be running art club every other monday.  it was a great success and i have more kids that want to join. 

chris is working at the cabin this wk so this one was my bed buddy.  ellie had her turn the night before. and again tonight 
i started math today...and brought school to the kitchen table. so meeka could join us. ha  tomorrow will be our first day back to official school with the girls.  nate will start all subjects next week 
i prefer to do the soft start. esp this yr.  we are out most afternoons for play dates and activities. so we are focusing on 2/3 subjects. once the cold weather hits and we are done at the cabin it will be full school. but thats a GREAT thing about home educating. you make it work for you! 
sisters working on science! 
and math! ok making patterns with the blocks! 
the girls started baton twirling today!  
its a small class of 8, which is good.  the teacher is really hands on
both girls love it and want their own baton.  i pulled mine out from storage, this bad baby is 35 yrs old. haha  they have been in the garage for the last 2 hrs practicing their twirling. 
totally brings me back! 
and with that i must go!  its time to pick up nate and meet chris!