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must read

this book was lent to me on sunday and i finished it yesterday. i am getting my own copy so i can mark it all up. it is a must read for anyone who has lost a child. i will warn you, you will cry boat loads of tears.

i think it's neat to see how chris and i mourn so differently.

there is not a day that goes by that i have not thought or cried for my son

chris still mourns, but does so with his thoughts, where i will openly speak of ben. god created us so differently!

nate funny. this morning chris stood outside his door and listened in on nate's convo with himself, it went like this

"nanna, poppy, aunty, uncle, kin (quinn) go down stairs, open presents. presents very, very, very fun! oh yeah! presents" chris said this went on for sometime

nate has also gotten into greeting me in the morning with "HI MOMMY!!!! HI! HI! HI!" on the top of his voice :) it cracks me up. he's been in such a great mood lately!