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charlie girl is here!

the start, all smiles! cry was admitted last night with high blood pressure and was induced by the drip. i got there at 11:30 pm, the drip started at 12ish, her water was broken right off the bat and her contractions started up right away
smiling in between contractions approxy 20 mins after her water breaking
1 hr later, after i advised her to get on the ball...haha...her contractions were back to back, strong and painful. being the type a personality that she is and being tougher than nails, she went all natural. zippo druggo's
approxy 2ish, less than 2 hours...she was FULLY dilated
big smiles. dilated and ready to push!
pose in between pushes
and the pushing continues...for ummm maybe 5 times
because my sister is the fertility goddess, pregnancy queen and labour/delivery wonder. her induction-dilation-delivery was LESS than 3 hours...she pushed a few times, 1 teeny, tiny tear
and out comes my amazing, adorable, healthy, beautiful, head full of hair niece
the "we did it kiss" before the cord cutting
saw's response from seeing his daughter for the first time
heaven sent gift...moments old
utter peace. you did it girl!
shawn touching charlie girl for the first time
perfect family
sniff, sniff. so happy for you sis
yeah! we did it! ok not me but i helped keep things light and silly
momma and baby
multi tasking daddy
i am way too tired to flip the pic. sorry ya'll
5 min old
on the phone with uncle johnny and aunty jess with the good news
yep. 9 pounds. she's bigger than quinn!
mom and i left the hospital around 3:30. we got home after 4, got to bed at 5:30, then woke up an hour later...i am SO tired right now but i am faithfully posting pics. we went in the morning with poppy, quinn and nate to intro charlotte to them...
seriously this was taken this MORNING. HELLO cry looks AMAZING for just having a baby! dad and nate's first peek. nate was so taken with the baby!
poppy's first kiss this morning
quinn's turn to say hello to his "little" sis
we went back tonight so i could get some more snuggles in. me and my miracle baby. miracle that god took my yucky situation, healed me up so i could have an amazing experience. peace that passes anything i can even begin to understand. total love and awe and joy for my sister, her husband and her family
i had to give her back to go home. sniff, sniff. she is a total doll. i adore her.
thank you cry for allowing me to experience charlotte's birth. i may not understand why things happen. but i do know that god can heal the broken hearted, if you let him in. the tears i shed are tears of joy. i love you. thank you for letting me love and snuggle your baby. she's such a gift.
i am SO tired. so i am sorry if this blog is all over the place!!!


ursi said...

Please send my congratulations to Crystal and her family.

Shannon said...

o, i have been waiting for this post! congratulations, auntie! she is a beauty!!!

Janis said...

Thank you for sharing the pictures...I now have a few tears in my eyes. Glad that things went well....Charlotte is adorable. Can't wait to see her in person. Big hugs

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you maintain a blog Mel, I get to log on and presto a picture of my new grand niece show's up on my desktop here in Montreal. I feel I'm conected to my family. Congratulations to all the family, such a little sweetheart. I'll look forward to hearing all about her and the boys.

Anonymous said...

I`m so happy the baby`s here!!!

She`s a cutie!!!

Melanie, You`re an inspiration to me. It is evident that you are very excited and happy for your sister and her husband. Not alot of people I know could have been like that not so long after your loss. You inspire me and surprise me every time I`m in contact with you. You are a blessing and a joy to be around!


Anonymous said...

I`m so happy the baby`s here!!!

She`s a cutie!!!

Melanie, You`re an inspiration to me. It is evident that you are very excited and happy for your sister and her husband. Not alot of people I know could have been like that not so long after your loss. You inspire me and surprise me every time I`m in contact with you. You are a blessing and a joy to be around!


Crystal said...

I am truly blessed that my best friend got to be there to witness Charlotte's birth. You are such a strong woman, and I love ya so much!

mel said...

ursi-did and done!

aunty s- that's the whole reason i started this whole blog up. to help connect us with those who live away (which would mean everyone haha) glad you feel closer to us. it has helped me to connect to you also.

v- you have been there for me also. you yourself are quite the lady :)

sis- my greatest "fear" was losing my baby and watch you have yours...having that fear become my reality was such a blow at first. but with all things, time heals. sure i still get upset NOT at you for having a baby..upset that i lost my son...(again, nothing to do with you) but you allowed me the time and space that i needed...and when i was able you welcomed me back into your lfe with open arms. we are sis's for life. your baby girl is such a blessing and i long to hold her again!!! do me a fav. hug her and kiss her tonight, tell her it's from me. tell her how loved she is.