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i dream a dream...

my blog is being silly today. it won't let me stream the video from you tube, so clicky on the linky and enjoy the show

chris sent this to me last night. the church that made this video is in the states, it's willie george's...who is the nephew of the pastor of our last church (in sasky)...

after viewing this video, chris looked at me and said "this is the kind of caliber that our church is capable of" meaning. imagine what could happen, if people who are sold out to christ, come together and use their gifts for HIS glory! imagine! i can...i see a private church school (NOT a christian school...a church school...there is a diff) ....the best in canada, a preschool, a gym, a music department that teaches singing, writing, playing instruments etc...that our community will PAY THEM to teach them how to sing, play etc... a children's ministry where kids worship, hand up, tears, teens that live in the spirit, a drama, media department that excels....

i dream big

do you?


Ursi said...

I loved "The Dad Life" as well!!