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i saw this hair commercial yesterday, spotted this cute cut and thought of you! ignore the nice and easy hair color box (it was a n&e commercial. ha)

i think you would rock this cut because you have that cute, tiny, pixie face. you can do a bang or a longer version and you have amazing cheek bones/collar bone to boot!
here is another version of that same can totally do this cut, you have that sass! ...i thinks that is...
anyways. i know you check the blog more than f/b or your email (cough) so i thought i would blog it
have a fabo day sister girl


Unknown said...

Hey! It's actually the cut I have :)
Although mine is growing a little longer, I'm growin it long enough to put my amazon hair in a ponytail when I can't tame it (most days!)
But I'm keeping the sweepy bangs, no matter how much my hubby hates bangs because I think they are sexy. It's also blond on top and dark underneath, very rock star.
I ordered something for you online the other day because I just couldn't resist.

mel said...

mmm something for meeeee? hehee. that's how nate says it. can't wait to see it!

so glad i picked something that would look fab on you...and you already sport it. very cool

i forgot to tell you, love your family pic. love the "matching but not too matchy-matchyness" of it all...ha! it's on my fire place

also. this is your blog reminder. to blog! ha!