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why so glum my chum?

back story- my parents gave nate a piggy bank. he brought it home and put his money in it. i told him to not play with it, that it's glass, it will break. it's not a toy. i told him this...many...many...many times....
yesterday morning, nate brought the bank down stairs to show me his money. i told him to not play with it and put it here it belongs. on the shelf in his room
really, who wants to obey?
nate insisted on shaking it. playing with it and showing me his money
i was making supper last night and CRASH!!!
yep. you bet. all over the floor. he was SO upset. nate learnt a lesson!
another story
see all that change on the floor?
well a few days ago i noticed money missing. just a quarter here, a dime pocket change dish was empty, chris's change pile was gone...nate was taking all the money he could find to put it in his piggy bank! he actually found a quarter and a nickle on the ground and put it in his pocket to take home...ha
he had over 10 bucks in that bank! my little thief!
so after many tears. chris and i sat him down and explained to him the importance of obeying mom and dad. he learnt the hard way i am afraid!
it pays to obey!


Ursi said...

That story sounds familiar. Katie's "money bank" as she called it crashed too.
Her way of getting coins to go in is raid Grosvati's pockets ;)
We'll have to go and get her a new one - she loves putting her coins in the money bank.

Papa said...


Just wanted you to know that we have another exact piggy bank for Nate, we we not going to give it to him until Christmas.
