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i have been told that the dreams will stop

they haven't yet

they are haunting like

it's dark out, very hazy, like ireland after the rain

i am running. i see my silhouette
i am dressed in black
i have boots on
my hair is wild

i run
i hear my boots pounding on the ground
my heart is beating
i feel panic

i run
i can't find him
his bed is empty
he's not in his car seat
he's gone

where is he?
panic, fear, alarm is racing though my body
i feel tired but i must go on
he's not safe
he's alone
out there

i run
who will hold him
who will care for him?

where did he go?

why, why did he have to go?

i feel empty. my family is missing another little boy

when will these dreams stop?

"i can guarantee this truth: you will cry because you are will feel pain but your pain will be turned into happiness" john 16:20


Anonymous said...

This post brought me to tears. I`m here for you anytime you need me!

mel said...

aww didn't mean to make you cry. thanks for your call, it helped :)