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nate wanted his pic under the trail sign. silly boy
he learnt SO much this morning. first was the falling leaves...why do they fall? how do they fall? etc... i was actually able to tell him, the real truth. ha. he understood that in the fall the leafs fall from the trees. in winter the trees have no leafs etc...
ohh ducks....we had no food but the talking about ducks led to these questions...why do the ducks move? how do they move? how do they swim? etc...
i was actually able to answer these simple questions....for now....ha
running boy. he was chasing the falling leafs
more ducks. "look at them swim!"
then we went and got our pumpkins and flowers. nate picked them out and helped me decorate...actually he did the decorating and for once, i left it! i put the white flowers on the wagon and nate did the rest!
moving the pumpkins
then he picked up the water can, which had water in it and watered the flowers!
good job my boy!

and no, i am not changing his display around. i am leaving it!