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i created this game for easy...he has spent so much time playing and learning...
i got a pack of cards with colored shapes...i put them in a pile...(later moved the pile to the other side of the room to make him run! and burn energy) then i put colored construction paper out to match the colors on the cards...his job was to match the color on the card to the colored paper...
voila! completed. to mix it up, once he grabbed a card, i had him yell the color out, then run to put it where it goes
then i cut shapes out, and had him put the shape on the card on the shape on the floor...while yelling what the shape was...
action shot! running for another card
voila! so much fun and educational and so cheap to do! he now knows his shapes :)


girliepoo said...

You are a great and very creative mama! I think Iam going to steal your ideas

Shannon said...

Wow Mel, you're such a fun Mommy! I bet Nate is thrilled by these ideas!! I've heard some people say they think their children learn better at home with one-on-one, so it's great that you're taking the time to teach him things at this age. I have a feeling Nate is going to be far beyond his classmates with all he's learning now:) Good job, Mom!

mel said...

steal away...i create as i's funny, i feel bad sometimes when nate plays alone (which i do make sure he does, so he knows how to) so i do try to make some learning fun :)

Ursi said...

Awesome ideas!! Just like your colour wheel. Katie still likes that one (Maya just likes eating the clothe pins)