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nate nate nate

cozy much?
i find these silly, adorable, creative oddities all around the house that nate makes
this was his bed this morning. he sleeps with the sword. it's the 'sword of the spirit" and he will poke you with it
haha....when he builds these creations i hear him talking to himself "i put this there and then that goes here and that is there and i poke this there and that hole goes here and i put this sticky in that hole and it goes there and then i will poke this there......"

so cute

last night nate had a "tada" to show me. i was upstairs and he came running to get me and show me his "tada!!" he was SO excited. he took me to the garage and i saw this

semi empty shoe rack. at nate's level...where are the shoes?
"tada!" he piled them together on the garage floor
then i made him put them all back

that's my boy and i love him!


Chris Eigenheer said...

He is SUCH a tool (and shoe-thief)

Crystal said...

Like father, like son then Chris... LOL

Anonymous said...

And I was thinking it is good it was Nathaniel and not a young dog!!
Had once one and he found the newest paare shoe and bit on them . .. and the shoe belonged to a guest !!! Enjoy the 'working man"
Love your blog. When are you comming to Sunshine?
greetings Muetti

Shannon said...

"bahahahahahaha!" at Chris for calling his own son a tool! LOVE it! baha!