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paper making

aunty bought nate a book full of experiments for easter last yr, i dug it out on thurs and picked a few to do. i love this book! it is simple, educational and you have most of the stuff on hands so you don't need to spend money buying stuff to make stuff. anyways

we made paper! so fun! so easy!

first we tore up a pile of old papers, flyer's and junk mail
tear, tear, tear until out fingers got sore

and nate used scissors...
you tear the paper up into tiny pieces and let sit in a bowl of water for 2 days. then you blend the paper (we used a blender) and make it liquid

then pour it onto a screen

let it sit until dry

i would show you an after but umm....yeah...we left the house while it was drying and the rain started up again and well, it's ummm out side in the rain...

i think we will make another batch when the sun comes


the sun will come


i am beginning to feel like noah...all...this....rain..........