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homeward bound

we price lined our hotels on the way home, stopping in ottawa and quebec city. we took a chance and scored big time. both hotels were awesome!
long day on the road, nate in his bed

5 mins later

the hotel had the most amazing pool. the water was SO warm!

practicing his back float

both of them

then we hit the museum of civilization in ottawa

we ended up spending most of the day in the kids part which was impressive. next to disney this placed was a hit!

the sign going in. loved it. so much creativity. i was in heaven dreaming
it was set up like a mini world, you travel, with a pass port all over the world

getting off the bus in singapore

stamping his pass port in india

visiting a shop in europe

sitting at a cafe in paris. the cafe was a full, everything child size restaurant, 2 kitchens much imaginative play

weighing spices is MOROCCO!


cry it looked EXACTLY like the shops we visited! SO funny!

working in the shipyard

making a toy in germany

working in a store

making clothing in france

creating a tune in china

working in the post office

mailing a package to papa

then it was time to hit the construction site

building a wall


watching nate work

this place had everything you would need to work on a site, the houses were 1/2 built so the kids could finish them (back ground)

chris babysitting my purse

found a friend to help plumb

roofing the dog house
this place was wicked!

then we hit the road to quebec city and landed this HUGE hotel room

nate's bedgood morning to you too!

we are home

we are tired

BUT nate has slept in 2 days in a row to 9

god is good

and this is the longest batch of posts. ever!

off to unpack and get settled again until the next family adventure!